When traveling to a beautiful destination like Bali, there are numerous aspects to consider, one of the foremost being the safety of the water. Water quality can significantly impact your health during your stay. So, the question arises: Can you drink the water in Bali? Now, let's delve into why it's crucial to be cautious about the water quality in Bali.

Water to Go

Is Tap Water Safe to Drink in Bali?

The presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants in the tap water may lead to waterborne illnesses. Hence, drinking tap water is not advisable. The consumption of tap water in Bali can cause gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), travelers to Bali should only drink bottled water or water that has been boiled or treated with chlorine or iodine tablets to ensure its safety for consumption.

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Understanding Water Contamination in Bali:

Bali, known for its stunning beaches and lush landscapes, needs help with its water supply and sanitation infrastructure. Rapid urbanization and tourism have strained the island's resources, including its water sources. As a result, water contamination has become a significant issue.

Various factors contribute to water contamination in Bali:

  • Poor Sanitation: Inadequate sanitation systems, particularly in rural areas and densely populated tourist areas, can contaminate water sources with fecal matter and other pollutants.
  • Agricultural Runoff: Pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals used in agriculture can leach into water sources, contaminating them and posing health risks to those who consume the water.
  • Overexploitation of Groundwater: Excessive groundwater extraction for agriculture, tourism, and residential use has led to saltwater intrusion and contamination of aquifers, further exacerbating the water quality issues.

Given these challenges, travelers to Bali need to take precautions to avoid waterborne illnesses.

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Preventive Measures for Safe Water Consumption:

  1. Drink Bottled Water: Opt for sealed bottled water from reputable brands to ensure safety. Check that the seal is intact before purchasing.
  2. Boil Water: If bottled water is unavailable, boiling tap water for at least one minute can kill most pathogens, making it safe for consumption.
  3. Use Water Filter Bottles: Filter water bottles are designed with built-in filtration systems to ensure safe and clean drinking water while traveling. When selecting a filter water bottle for Bali, prioritize features such as effective filtration capabilities, ease of use, and portability. Look for BPA-free options that remove viruses, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, and other contaminants commonly found in untreated water sources. Water-to-Go offers a variety of filter water bottles tailored for travelers, offering convenience and peace of mind during adventures in Bali and beyond.
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By following these preventive measures, travelers can minimize the risk of falling ill due to contaminated water in Bali.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can You Brush Your Teeth with Tap Water in Bali?

It's recommended that you do not brush your teeth with tap water in Bali. Using bottled water for brushing your teeth is the safest option to avoid ingesting any harmful bacteria or parasites in the tap water.

Do Locals Drink Tap Water in Bali?

While some locals may use tap water for activities like washing dishes or bathing, the majority do not drink tap water directly. Instead, they rely on bottled water for drinking purposes to avoid health risks associated with contaminated tap water.

Can you have ice in your drinks in Bali?

It's generally safer to avoid ice made from tap water in Bali. Opt for drinks without ice or those made with purified or bottled water.

Can you shower in Bali water?

Showering in Bali water is generally safe if you avoid ingesting it. Keep your mouth closed and avoid getting water in your eyes to minimize the risk of infections.

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Is it safe to drink coffee in Bali?

Coffee brewed with boiled or purified water should be safe in Bali. However, ensure that the water used in preparing the coffee is safe to consume.

How not to get sick in Bali?

To avoid getting sick in Bali, drink bottled water, brush your teeth with bottled water, and opt for cooked foods from reputable establishments. Avoid consuming raw or undercooked foods and drinks made with tap water.


While Bali offers breathtaking scenery and rich cultural experiences, be mindful of water quality to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Tap water in Bali is unsafe for drinking, brushing teeth, or consuming ice. Still, with proper precautions such as using bottled water and purifying methods, travelers can stay healthy during their stay. Remember, staying hydrated is crucial, but prioritizing water safety is equally important to avoid waterborne illnesses. So, when in doubt, stick to bottled or purified water from a water filter bottle for peace of mind.

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Additional information:

  • U.S. Department of State - Indonesia Country Information: Provides information on safety and security, entry/exit requirements, local laws, health, transportation, and more. 
  • Lonely Planet - Indonesia: Offers travel advice, tips, and information on various destinations within Indonesia, including health and safety considerations.
Written by Lalaine Altar

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