Is mexico water safe to drink?

No. While water treatment, filtration, and purification have greatly improved in Mexico, the consensus among travel professionals and the Centers for Disease Control is that it is still not a good idea to drink ordinary tap water in Mexico.

Water-to-Go filtered water bottles for Mexico protect your vacation by removing unsafe contaminants from Mexico water, including viruses that most filter bottles cannot remove.

  • According to Mexico's Ministry of Health, approximately 6 million new cases of waterborne diseases are reported annually.
  • Clean_Water_In_Seconds

    Pure Water In Seconds

    Just fill, replace lid and drink. No waiting. No chemicals. No batteries.

  • No_More_Lead

    Extreme Protection

    Filters dangerous contaminants that cause illness, including viruses.

  • More Water, Less Waste

    Safe drinking water without buying single use plastic water bottles.

See how Mark stayed safe in Mexico by using a Water-to-Go water filter bottle