Lead water filters that also remove arsenic

For effective protection against lead contamination use a Water-to-Go filter water bottle. Among water filters that remove lead Water-to-Go is among the most effective at removing lead. When searching for the best water filter for lead removal, look for a water filter that removes lead but also arsenic and other heavy metals, reducing risks from drinking water at home, school, or anywhere, making them ideal for safe hydration anywhere you go.

  • Clean_Water_In_Seconds

    Clean Water In Seconds

    Just fill, replace lid and drink. No waiting. No chemicals. No batteries.

  • save-the-world icon

    Reduce Lead Exposure

    Filters heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides and microorganisms as small as a virus.

  • More Water, Less Waste

    Safe drinking water without buying single use plastic water bottles.


Lead is not just a problem in flint mi.

A new National Resources Defence Council (NRDC) analysis of the most recent EPA data shows that between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2020, 186 million people in the United States—a staggering 56 percent of the country’s population—drank water from drinking water systems detecting lead levels exceeding the level of 1 part per billion (ppb) recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to protect children from lead in school water fountains.